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Teachings from the books

Here are some extracts from the books.

They give you a better understanding in the principles.


Book 1



In this book nuclear engineer Mehran Keshe discloses in a very logical way that the initial fundamental building blocks of the universe find their origin in a cosmic magnetic soup that contains an uncountable number of magnetic fields of different strengths. In this soup magnetic fields of similar or equal strength can meet, interact and entangle into a larger dynamic spherical packs. The interaction between different dynamic packs, leads to the creation of Gravitational and Magnetic field effects and properties in their given environments. Due to the differences in their magnetic field strength each spherical pack will possess a different strength, while each magnetic field strength will be in the order of magnitude of the three basic types of Matters (Dark Matter, Antimatter and Matter).

As these three Matters being made of magnetic fields, they also interact, inter-balance and can interlock with each other, these interactions of three Matters results in a larger integrated dynamic system, called the Initial Fundamental Plasma, or the Neutron. By the natural decay of this plasma, the proton and the electron come to be generated and to co-exist, where plasma of each proton and each electron still contains the Trinity of the three Matters of the original plasma.

The discovery of these new first principles will open for mankind a large number of benefits, since the interaction of three basic Matters and their field forces in their environment leads to the creation and control of matters (solid, liquid and gas).

In this book, new first principles and criterions for the creation of Gravitational and Magnetic field forces of the planet Earth are explained. Similarly it is explained how safe, simple, nuclear reactors, which have been build to replicate the structure of the planet inner cores, confirm the Keshe theory of creation of gravitational fields of the planet, as these reactors can produce fields which can cause reduction in weight, cause motion and lift of the reactor system, and produce an independent magnetosphere around such reactors. The interaction of the dynamic plasmatic magnetic fields of the magnetosphere around these reactors with the planetary magnetic fields creates light around the reactor. This light-effects confirms the Keshe's theory of creation of light through the interactions of plasmatic magnetic fields. These systems will open new ways of Space Travel.

By this knowledge it became possible to design, develop and test new low cost reactors that can dilute plasma and achieve fusion of plasmas in a simple and affordable way. So it now becomes possible to create vast amount of energies (like electricity and heat) and motion without the need of burning any fuel and

without creating any waste. These reactors can create at any point-of- demand matters like air, water, food, medicine, and new materials, also at nano-level.

This new revolutionary technology can help to solve a number of global problems, like of the climate change, since Keshe reactors can be build to attract greenhouse gasses like C02, or the global issue of water shortage and water pollution since it becomes now possible to create water and to attract hazardous elements out of the polluted and contaminated waters.

15… a Reflection


Mans intelligence has reached levels that through the use of modern technologies that anyone can

peer the knowledge he reads to verify its logic and validity.

I firmly believe that this work has to be understood by all Men and not judged by a few whose

self-interest might, and has been, obstructing the release of such a knowledge as disclosed in this book.


This book is written in such a way that anyone from any background field of science, and interest in the workings of all Matters of the universe, can understand the full new knowledge and be their own peers in receiving such a disclosure, which is at the edge of science and technology.


In this book a synthesis is given of the understanding of new first principles in physics that are gathered

for over more than thirty years of independent research and development, where several working proto-types and numerous tests with different loadings have confirmed their correctness and operativeness.


Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, 2009


In Mans technological and scientific evolution over thousands of years, conversion of the Earthly state of matters and energies from one state to another has been the key to his progressive success^

For man to progress further in the path of this evolution, man has to learn, understand, and unravel the powers of the initial fundamental particles of the Matters.

In the following pages, simple new theoretical principles and results of tests done to unleash the powers of the initial fundamental particles forces will be released and discussed.

In my writings, the simplest form of language is used so that every man, from all corners of the world, can read and will be able to comprehend the fundamental orders of their physical creation. Therefore, every man on Earth will have the same groundwork knowledge and opportunity to build his own environment and so be in control of his future and destiny.


This simple transfer of knowledge gives every man, by understanding the principles of his world of creation, the possibility to utilise and enhance the fundamental powers of creation for his advancement in his path of evolution.


Through appropriate use of this new knowledge, one can generate as much clean power as one needs for survival at any location in the universe. This is energy production capability, without the production of any further new wastes to damage the environment and to endanger the future generations 'chances' of survival.


This new knowledge allows man to produce food and medicine through the natural process of the construction of his cells' initial fundamental plasmas.


Therefore, no child, woman or man should go hungry and rely-upon others for his survival.


This new knowledge gives man the opportunity to produce all his materials' needs, without him being tied-up to the Earthly resources, or environmental conditions, or the place or a position in the universe, wherever that might be.


This new knowledge brings about the capability for man to be able to move and travel in his environment and in the universe with universal magnetic fields protection, in any atmospheric or space conditions.


This new knowledge, gives man the freedom of motion irrespective of the medium whatever his medium, and wherever he might be in the universe. For man to be able to use systems for travel that is at all time in protected magnetic fields levels and gravitational field levels as on the Earth. As his physical body has become accustomed to the atmospheric condition around his home planet.


Which up to now, this has been a dream and unattainable in all dimensions, with his present level of scientific development and knowledge.


Men will build on this new knowledge, and they will add their own scientific and technological flavours and unique additions and discoveries to overcome their present natural problems and limitations.


Our hope is that, Men, irrespective of their race, colour of skin, creed or religion, will use this new knowledge collectively and in unity, for advancement of the human race. We pray that, Man uses these new knowledge and information's for creation of peace and justice among their fellow men and other of Gods' creations and creatures, whom they will come to be in touch with, irrespective of their appearance, technological progress and intelligence.


                                                                                                                                                             - Mehran Tavakoli Keshe

It can be said: Man has come from, He exists, operates through and He shall return to the Light

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Book 2



The Structure of the LightThe Structure of the LightFollowing the publication of the last book "THE UNIVERSAL ORDER OF CREATION OF MATTER" and in opening a new horizon in the science of plasma and space technology in this book, now with this new book a new science about the unknown structure of the light, which up to now light was consider as a ray of energy is to be discussed and explained in this new book.

All knowledge gathered and learned in every fields of science by man in his cycle of scientific evolution from his beginning of time and up to this point, these are the like of the speck of dust of the universal wisdom in comparison to what man will enjoy from the knowledge which is to be revealed in this disclosure.

With the present knowledge in the plasma technology and the new understanding of the internal structure of the plasma, the light is and can be considered to be a cylindrical version of the spherical plasma the like of the proton and the plasma of the light is in possession of all three magnetic fields of the matters of the plasma.

The ray of light is in possession of Magravs (Magnetic and gravitational fields) and hence its own gravity, mass and Magnetosphere, and due to its dynamism this plasma of the light possesses momentum and hence can carry and transfer this momentum as energy to other light rays, tangible and non-tangible entities.

Thus the speed of the light in the matter environment is not the ultimate speed of matters in the universe, but the speed of light is dictated and controlled by the environmental magnetic field strength which the light operates in.

It is possible to attain faster speeds than the speed of light in a matter magnetic field strength environment by using the magnetic fields properties of the antimatter plasmatic fields.

May be it is the time for the Man to come to understand the true meaning of the light, as all beings in the universe announce their existence through the emission of the light into and onto their surroundings.

This technology of the light ray's protection gives the man the ultimate knowledge for survival and brings the man knowledge and intelligence in par with and equal to the knowledge known to the rest of universal manifestations and the same we have served our purpose in bringing the same to all men of progress.



The light has a plasmatic structure, the same as plasma of the proton and electron, and is made as a mixture of magnetic fields strength with difference that the light has dynamic composite magnetic field (maf) strength spiral helixial cylindrical composite matter mafs plasma structure rather than the dynamic composite mafs spherical structure of the matters the like of the plasma of the neutrons.




All knowledge gathered and learned in every fields of science by man in his cycle of scientific evolution from his beginning of time and up to this point, these are like of the speck of dust of the universal wisdom in comparison to what man will enjoy from the knowledge which is to be revealed in this disclosure.

This shall not be all that the man has to know about his creation and the creator but through this new knowledge man will become close to realise how much more he needs to discovered and learn more about the created bigger universe, and our hope is that we have managed to bring man to his ultimate point of maturity about his world and the world of other creatures of universe through what is to be disclosed in this book.

In these new series of disclosures including this we will open the world of science into the realisation of the real working of the universe and how man can advance his intelligence and that this new and up to now unknown science can clear the way for bringing peace to the Man's own wondering life and other intelligent beings in the universe.



Below is a list of the new terms and their definition that used in this book.

A number of these words and terms have been used in the previous book and scientific papers, which have been published by the foundation and most readers, are familiar with these terms and reference. In this book a different approach and language and terminologies is used, therefore has become necessary to create a new terminology and words that can explain the real term application and processes in the world of physics.

Mafs: magnetic fields

Magnetic: with capital M refers to the plasma of magnetic fields created by a dynamic entity as for example this refers to the magnetic field of the earth.

Magravs: Magnetic and gravitational fields (Magnetic referring to the plasma of magnetic fields created by a dynamic entity as for example this refers to the magnetic field of the earth)

Pmf: plasmatic magnetic fields

Principal matter: This matter in conventional physics is called the anti-matter, as now the real structure of this matter is fully understood and is said to be source of all matters from the dark matter to matter, thus it has been called the original matter or the principal.

Principal mafs: These are magnetic fields, which are in the principal strength levels and considered to be I order magnitude several hundreds of times stronger than the magnetic fields which make up the tangible and visible matters.

Principal star: This entity in the conventional physics is called the Black hole

Transition energy: This energy in conventional physics is called the dark energy. This is the pmfs that are in motion from principal to matter magnetic fields strength so called the transition energy as energy is defined as the pmfs in motion.

Transition matter: This matter in conventional physics is called the Dark matter, as now the real structure of this matter is fully understood and is said to be when plasmatic magnetic fields are in transition state from the principal matter to tangible matter thus the term transition matter is used.

Transition mafs: These are magnetic fields which are in strength level between the principal and matter magnetic fields strength, and are in transit from the principal mafs to matter mafs strength levels.

Gans: a new state of matter; a molecule of a gas (GAs) which becomes Nano of itself and appears as Solid state of matter. GAs to Nano of Solid and to be called GANS for short.









The re-naming of matters and conditions




       THE LIGHT












       C02 IN GANS STATE (PAPER 2009)






The CO2 absorption


The methane ch4 absorption


Observations and notes


New state of matter


Implication and applications of this new technology




Additional pictures




























       The unifying field Theory








         Permanent magnets


         The difference between conductors and superconductors


         Current and impedance


         Experimental point's observation









With the present knowledge in the plasma technology and the new understanding of the internal structure of the plasma, the light is and can be considered to be a cylindrical version of the spherical plasma like of the proton and the plasma of the light is in possession of all three magnetic fields of the matters of the plasma (1).

The ray of light is in possession of Magravs and hence its own gravity, mass and Magnetosphere, and due to its dynamism this plasma of the light possesses momentum and hence can carry and transfer this momentum as energy to other light rays, tangible and non-tangible entities.

As the plasma of the light is moving from one dynamic magnetic field strength spherical in shape plasma to another and as each matter's mafs of the plasma of the light interacts with its surrounding environment's plasmatic magnetic fields in any matter environment, then the appropriate matter mafs components of the light and its ever present environment come to interact with the same and different matters and matter mafs in strength of its environment, this leads to less losses of the plasmatic magnetic field (pmf) contents of the mafs of the matters of the ray of light and hence allowing the light to travel in any environment at the speed of its given environment plasmatic magnetic fields strength with less friction and maximum speed in that given pmf strength. Then in matter mafs and matter magnetic fields strength environment, this property allowing the ray of light to have a speed of light in matter environment strength as is observed by man, and where in antimatter environment the antimatter light travels at antimatter magnetic field strength environment, which the speed of antimatter light is far higher than the speed of light in the man's matter plasmatic magnetic field strength environment.

Thus the speed of the light in the matter environment is not the ultimate speed of matters in the universe, but the speed of light is dictated and controlled by the environmental magnetic field strength which the light operates in.

It is possible to attain faster speeds than the speed of light in a matter magnetic field strength environment by using the magnetic fields properties of the antimatter plasmatic fields.

Once understanding this criterion and concept then at this stage one will face the magnetic strength barriers to overcome as one does in the matter environment with sound barrier.

Therefore: One has to understand the truth about the real construction of the light and its movement in each plasmatic magnetic field strength environment for the man to be able to travel the spans of the universe with pleasures of being able to observe and learn all the truth about the creation in all pmf strengths which operate in the universe.


Book2 / Chapter 8

Insight into the future use of the structure of light

From the new understanding of the structure of the light, can easily and readily be concluded that if the light did not and was not made of the structure of three mafs of the matters then the light would have not possessed its own gravitational and Magnetic field forces and for example the light from other stars in the universe would have never been able to reach the earth as an individual magnetic field due to the characteristic and properties of the magnetic fields interactions and gravitations, as through magnetic interactions all these rays' of lights would have been absorbed by other magnetic fields and gravitational fields in the universe and the light would have never reached the far distances of the universe. Hence the light as a physical entity which is similar to other physical entities the like of proton, electron, earth and the Sun and the light being in possession of both Magnetic and gravitational fields, the light ray has to find its position in respect to any other object and pmf in the universe as it passes these entities in the universe, and hence in its travels in cosmos light ray has to find it's Magravs positioning in respect to them that this allows the light ray not to be absorbed but to go around these objects. Hence, the reason for the physical observation of the lensing or the bending of the light near these object as the light passing large and strong gravitational object is purely due to its Magravs and its positioning in respect to these entities in the universe.

Therefore the lensing of the light is the confirmation of its existence as dynamic composite magnetic field strength fields physical and tangible entity in position of Magravs, and the light is not a ray of magnetic field in motion or what has been called that the light to be an energy. Whereas, the plasma of the light ray in motion can transfer it Magravs to other matters and thus has the ability to transfer its momentum to other matters and mafs as energy.

Hence due to the fact that the light possess both Magnetic fields and gravitational fields and in line with laws of physics, when the gravity and the Magnetic fields interact (1 and 2), their interaction lead to the creation of entity in possession of its own mass and its own magneto sphere. Where, the interaction of the lights magnetosphere with the magnetosphere of other objects due to their friction leading to release of residual magnetic fields in the matter magnetic field strength level of the human protein, which this makes the point of interaction of two Magravs detectable pmf field or what is called the visible light to human eye and his tools and methods of detection of pmfs in this ranges of filed strength, out of the full magnetic fields spectrum of the universe.

Where, the motion of the dynamic spherical plasma of magnetic field in its travel from one point in the universe to another causes and leads to elongation of the dynamic spherical pmf, hence the restructuring into a dynamic cylindrical plasma ray of the light, and as this plasma of the ray of light reaches the right pmf environment strength that slows down enough or losses its strength, at this point the cylindrical plasma restructures back to its spherical structure and leads to the creation of pmf of matter mafs and matter in given matter pmf strength environment (Fig. 48) The book cover image. Hence light has the same structure as the pmf of any other plasma known to man like the plasma of electron and proton but in elongated form rather than presently known dynamic spherical shape of tangible matters.

Fig. 48 The conversation of dynamic spherical pmf into dynamic helixial cylindrical ray of light and its conversation back to dynamic spherical (Cover image of the book).

Where, at the same time the plasma of the light in its travels in space can become visible according to the plasmatic magnetic fields of the environment which it travels through and according to the observers' plasmatic magnetic fields strength which in the case of human living Magravs protein molecules structure.

Different proteins have different pmf strength for different creatures in the span of the universe, hence what is visible light to one creature in one point pmf strength in one part of universe this does not mean that to another protein Magravs strength in the same environment this can be visible light too. Hence what is visible light in principal matter or mafs strength, in transition mafs and matter and in matter mafs world in a given matters' magnetic fields environment respectively these light rays are detectible or visible according to the environment and of each mafs and matter in the binding Magravs of the structure of the observer.

The plasma of the light has the capability to present the magnetosphere around itself according to the pmf strength which it is passing through, thus it is the environmental pmf strength which decides the outcome of the mafs of the matter of external layer of the plasma of the light and the final presentation of the light in a given environment.

The plasma of the light to reduces its losses in its pmf of its matters and at the same time allowing it to encounter less resistance for it to be able to travels through the same pmf strength that have less or faces no losses, thus the light ray has the capability of the change of cover mafs and matters of its structure.

Thus it is inevitable to consider and conclude that the light like its larger combinations has its own intelligence and its own internal logical magnetic processing that allows it to survive and exist in every dimension in the universe that it might travel through or be part of. This giving the light the capability of being able to travel long distances, and at the same time, this allowing the light not to have fixed maximum speed in all universal magnetic field strength spectrum opposite to what has been assumed by scientific world at the present.

At the same time, the light becomes more visible or detectable as it travels from stronger matter mafs fields strength to a lower matter fields strength environment.

Two rays of lights with different mafs of the principal matter strength can pass through the same medium and they can create different brightness intensity and therefore all lights rays do not have the same intensity primarily and their strength and intensity is internal initial principal mass and strength dependent.

Therefore a ray of light can be dimmer or slower compared to another ray primarily due to their mafs of the principal matters content and their strength.

Lights have speed according to their lowest common denominator of it environment pmf strength. Therefore, speed of light in Principal environment due to the stronger field strength of the principal mafs pmf is much faster than the speed of the same plasma in the matter environment, hence the present assumption that the speed of the light as observed by man is the maximum speed of the plasma of the light is incorrect, and hence the plasma of the light has speeds in the Principal matter environment far beyond the present assumptions in the matter environment of the earth and this universes matters' pmfs strength.

Even though the formulas used for conversion of main connection of mass and energy looks as to be balancing and to be correct, in fact this equation is only correct for small and minute amount of plasma and only in the matter environment and not in other plasmatic fields environment of principal mafs and mafs of the transition matter or combination and composite plasmatic magnetic fields strength of principal mafs and matters environments and where only individual rays are considered.

Now that one knows that mass is created through secondary effects and interaction of the effects of the interaction and connection of at least two dynamic plasmatic magnetic fields of the gravity and Magnetic fields (1), which these Gravitational and Magnetic fields both themselves are created and are products of interaction of at least two initial magnetic fields, then in fact mass itself is product of interaction of four fields of two initial fields and two effects of these two fields and hence the formula of relativity now is totally incorrect and has to be rewritten as now one of the factor of the four of the magnetic fields and their combination of their products with each field in position of its own speed of its mafs strength, as energy which is define as magnetic fields in motion, then multiple of speeds of the light in their initial matters mafs strength times the matters mafs of their effect strength in a given mafs strength is the realistic method of

the measuring the energy in respect to the mass of the same matter.

Using this knowledge and understanding the structure of the light and applying these in the space technology and in the space reactors crafts of the future for travel in deep space, then by knowing the mass and the strength of the fields which one needs to be traveling to and by the same principle the strength of the original mafs of pmf can be calculated and measured by using the fundamental application and implication in production of light Magravs strength of the system and of the same of the destination point, then one can estimate the power of the crafts Magravs need to be and at the same time what the speed of the travel of the craft shall have, and using the mafs of the light at that given matter environment, one can calculate what mass of the light the system needs to have and be loaded that the system can travel at a given speed in a given environment, or what speed the craft might have once one uses the certain amount of mass of the light in any combination in any of multiple combined fuelled integrated multiple Magravs positioning reactors of the space crafts of the future (1, reference 24,18 and 11).


In understanding the strength of the principal mafs fields strength and using this phenomenon for creation of speed of motion of the systems and crafts, then one can calculate and understand that travels with speeds hundreds and thousands of times and millions of time faster than the speed of the light in matter environment in the near future will become as conventional as jet liner travels of today. The assumption that the speed of light in the matter world is the ultimate speed in the universe cannot be correct. This assumption, when using the principal mafs fields as source of fuel in dynamic plasma dilution gravitational positioning space reactors, which have been developed and tested can be used to achieve higher speed than the speed of light in the matter environment.


Through this technology of the use of light gravitational positioning systems, speeds of travel in Principal and Transition mafs strength environments, which are beyond the present understanding of the man in the matter universe are faster than the speed of light in matter environment.

Now one can understand, that once by not using the principal matters as fuel as has been discussed and promoted by some organisation to burn, as has been the habit of the man to burn to attain motion and height in the past centuries, then in using the mafs of the principal matters in creating gravitational fields and Magnetic fields within a gravitational system, then one can travel the length of the universe in times which are not acceptable to man at the present time due to restrictions which has been forced on the humanity by the less knowledgeable scientists of the time and due to their lack of understanding of the creation and control and structure of the light itself.

Then now one has to make new concepts and measuring tools for local time and universal times as these will be different according to the light mafs strength of the space crafts and environment of measurement and new conventional translation for time has to be employed, otherwise traveling in one speed of the light mafs strength and then entering another to live in, this will create untold problems for the future universal travellers of this universe and for the inter-universes travellers of the future (3, 6 and 7). Invariably in the near future one can use the principal mafs and matters magnetic fields for the purpose of transportation in the universe, where from this point on travel with speeds beyond the matter pmf strength environment for travel in the universe and between universes become a natural means of transportation.

At the same time the speed of light in the principal mafs and matters strength is visible light to the man too, with the difference that in this environment as the protein chain of the man contains and is consisted of plasma of electrons and protons, and these plasmas themselves are made of and operating and consisted of the composition of principal mafs and transition mafs and matters (1) too, then the principle mafs strength of the protein will come into operation and the life will be as normal as one living in the present matter mafs and matter environment of the universe. With a slight difference that he needs to learn about control of the operation of his physical body and his tools of detection in the speed and light configuration.

The parallel world of different pmf strength of matter mafs and mafs of the principal matters are the faster and stronger in pmf strength of life which the Man has come to comprehend and live with and soon he will be able to transmute from one pmf strength of mafs to another and use this knowledge for the advancement of his race and connection and communication in and with the other creature of the universes.

The gravitational field forces of the mafs of the matters of the structure of the light will be the smartest and fastest method for creation and control of space reactors of the future. At the same time speed of the separation of mafs of the matters of the light will be the best directional controller and magnetic shielding protection system for the space crafts of the future as the lights' mafs and matters separation and control in different mafs of the matters and matters of the universe this make the plasma of the light the safest and quickest methods to generate parallel speed of the light in different mafs of the matters environment and at the same time the directional motion of the Magravs transportation system can utilize the mafs of the matters of the light interaction for smooth transition from one matter mafs field strength to another or from matter mafs to matter environment and vice-versa.

This light matter mafs structure division and utilization will be the technology which needs a full understanding of the world of creation and once mastered as has been done by other inhabitants of the universe, then the man will be of the same strength and capability of the understanding of the universe of universes operation, interaction and universal organisation.

When, the intelligence of the man reaches the full understanding of the potentials of the use of the light mafs of the matters, then one will be able to travel in different mafs of the matters environment with use of the mafs of the principal matters magnetic fields strength as the protection magnetosphere created around the crafts in possession of the multiple Magravs positioning reactors.

The dynamic twin reversal of directional motional shielding system made of and through the use of mafs of the principal magnetic fields' strength of the light guaranties the total non-penetrable protection for travel in all mafs and matters environment in the universe, without leaving any traces of direction of motion and without being visible to the human eyes and any other tools and means of detection of any other creatures in the universe.

Where, this technology can be used for fast speed travel in crossing boundaries of universes and for travel across one universe without spending thousands of light years in traveling time as is currently calculated by human scientists. Thus one can travel with full safety using the highest lights Principal Magnetic field strength for every aspects of the motion in the universe.

Once the concept and the principle structure of the principal mafs and matters and other mafs of matters and lights are fully understood then one can use the knowledge of the light structure in full and the scientific world will be able to use the structure and mafs of the light for creating new matters and production of food and nourishment for the life of the passengers and for the space machineries of the future and food producing reactors for the man in deep space where the light is the only available matter for use and at his disposal.

The mafs of the matters of the light can be brought to levels that one needs for the body to absorb for it to survive a pleasurable and comfortable life. Where, different strength mafs of the matters and of the light can be used as vitamins and minerals and proteins for the Man's needs to live. Where, the light mafs of the matters can be used directly without the need for the plant and animal conversion systems of the light mafs of the matters to minerals and nourishment for the human consumption.

One has to understand that there are lives in the lower pmf strength of the universe too; where in reality the matter universe is not the lowest level pmf strength in the universe. The light in this universe is the same and operates in the same way.

In the future one can use the light mafs of the matters to produce and lower their strength mafs of the matters to pmf for example of the sodium or vitamin A or B. Therefore from this point on one can even produce composition of matters or what has been the dream of producing energy and new matters through fusion. Now one can use the Principle matter mafs field's strength of the light to fuse the elements in the matter environment. In fact fusion is more practical and achievable if one uses the principal mafs and matter's field's strength of light and their division to create environment of matter mafs for the matters to be created. Fusion of pmf of the light mafs is in so many ways easier than physical matter fusion once the light is transferred into neutron or an atom. The lights' mafs of the matters fusion is a way for the re-production of heavier elements or their pmfs without creating enormous amount of heat that one cannot and has no tools and means to control and contain such matter fusion technology.

Once the man learns the use of the construction of mafs of the matters of the light, then one will learn that source of mafs of the matters are available in all corners of universe and on the other hand one does not need to create the physical matter to have the properties of the physical matter, but one can use pmf strength properties of the given matter in its fusion of the light mafs of the matters to achieve the same effect, the likes of the production of energy and food without ever using fusion of physical matter to achieve the same goal and actually without ever needing physically to eat and to digest food. Then in the near future man's body will do with the digestion system and in the further times man will learn and will do with the physical body for it to exist and for it to travel the spans of the universe(s).

Using the mafs of the matters of the structure of the light rays for communication purposes, in the matter environment, then the communication system can be set to transfer the information in the Principal matter mafs strength and once the information arrives at the point of destination the receiving system can decode the information from the principal mafs strength to matter mafs strength and then the information can become available for whatever purpose it was transmitted for, this being audible, visual or computable information or transfer of matters. This method of use of mafs of the matters of the light field's strength will eliminate any time delay in communication across the spans of the universe, the delay time which has been observed in the present cosmos communication systems will not exist once using principal mafs strength and then communication become instantaneous anywhere in the universe.

Thus by switching from one matter mafs strength to another matter mafs strength of the same light, this will bring into play a totally new technology and facilitates new approaches in the production of tangible matters too. That is to say one can strip the light from one of its mafs of the matters for one purpose and use its residual mafs of the matters for other purposes. That is to say, by striping the light off its principal mafs for the communication purposes, then one can use the mafs of its transition matters and mafs of the matters of the same plasma of the light for production of increase in other matters and matters growth or expansion in their given environment or use these for production of energy for human existence in space.

The universal language using mafs of the matters of light and using the same mafs of the matters of the light for their transportation will be the cornerstone of the future transmutation of matter and matters and communication in the universe among other intelligent creatures of the universe(s).

The positrons are created at the point of the creation of the plasma of the atoms from the ray of the light and the clockwise motion of these particles is totally and primarily internal magnetic fields position dependent. This meaning that the directional rotational motion of all matters are dependent on the speed of the rotation and position of the mafs of the principal matters and matters in respect to each other, this plasma be it of the plasma of electron, proton, atoms even stars and galaxies.

The clockwise or anticlockwise rotation of electrons, protons, planets and stars is determined by the principal mafs matters speed of rotation and its distance in respect to the matter mafs and distance between different layers mafs components of the plasma of the entity after the light ray is converted to matter of the electron or the proton and star and its matter content.

In conclusion one has to be aware that visible light magnetic fields spectrum, which makes man to see its universe is the same in all pmf strength levels. This means that in every pmf strength environments there are visibility criterions to all created life, but the visibility is pmfs field strength dependent. Therefore, what is not visible to one being is visible environment to another using different pmf strength for point reference as tool for vision and this applies to all pmf strength mafs of the matters and matter universes and environment.

At the same time vision is not through the vision tools like the eyes, but vision is the openness to receive knowledge through the real means of the operation of the universe in the pmf strength of the level of intelligence of the structure of the beings.

The reality of the existence has been measured by the strength of the light, which a matter can emit, and the duration and the depth the Magravs of the created light can penetrate in its environment. Then the question for the Man to ask of his existence, is that how does the matter like him, who is the user and the producer of the same physical entities as stars, how does his existence will shine and operate in the span of the universe after the demise of his physical life on this matter strength environment?

May be it is the time for the Man to come to understand the true meaning of the light, as all beings in the universe announce their existence through the emission of the light into and onto their surroundings.

This technology of the light ray's protection gives the man the ultimate knowledge for survival and brings the man knowledge and intelligence in par with and equal to the knowledge known to the rest of the universal manifestations and the same we have served our purpose in bringing the same to all men of progress.

Thus would be correct for the Man to consider his connection beyond his physical existence and through the light of his presence during its time, and hence would the soul of the man be of the light of the confirmation of his existence.


Be wise to the truth of the creation of the man, if the light of wisdom is the light of the soul from the time of beginning to the end of time. This light will exist and will be the source of the confirmation of everlasting existence of his soul, as the light of far distance star after billions of years are shining in the deepest part of the universe, this has been and shall be destined for the soul of the Man throughout all times of the existence of the universe.

Thus it can be said:

Man has come from,
He exists, operates through and
He shall return to the Light

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